The Legacy Foundation at Shell Point

Welcome to the Legacy Foundation at Shell Point

Professional Financial Advice is Always Within Reach.

The Legacy is a specialized non-profit organization created to provide financial and wealth planning concierge services exclusively for residents of Shell Point.

We work alongside your bankers, financial and tax advisors, attorneys and other professionals to provide seamless legacy planning services. We call this the Legacy Family Service.

2025 Celebration

The Legacy Services

Estate Planning

A complimentary review of your current estate plan and advance directives (power of attorney, health care directives, living will) to help you achieve your objectives.

Wealth Transfer

Wealth transfer planning, from simple wills to complex estates, utilizing the latest estate and tax planning strategies. Helping you with strategies to make your philanthropy more rewarding.

Financial Services

Essential financial services, including a daily money management program to help you make the most of your money. Educational workshops and seminars.

Trusted Experience

Referrals to trusted and experienced legal, financial and tax professionals. Ready to lend a hand at a moments notice.

Have you already included Shell Point in your estate plan?

If the answer is yes, we’d like to invite you to become a member of our Shell Point Legacy Society! Please contact the Legacy Foundation at (239) 466-8484 to learn more.

Jeff Cory, CFP, CTFA
Executive Director

A Word From Our Director

I believe that individuals are designed with the innate desire to make a difference, leave their mark, and live a purposeful life that extends well beyond themselves. 


During our lifetimes we accomplish this by investing our lives in other people; raising a family, volunteer work, a career or vocation, serving our country, and giving to worthy civic and charitable organizations. 


As we approach the estate and legacy planning process, we bring together the culmination of our life experiences, values, faith, relationships, and resources into a unique master plan to leave our mark on family and society for generations to come. Our lasting legacy shares with the world how we intend to be remembered. It’s a celebration of our life and our belief in a better and brighter tomorrow. 

Need a review? Contact Jeff Cory today at (239) 466-8484 to schedule an appointment.

The Legacy Foundation at Shell Point recommends that each person should consult with his or her qualified advisors about their specific situation before making any decisions. This publication is intended to provide accurate, general information, not legal or tax advice.

We do not disclose any non-public personal information about our current or former clients except as instructed to do so by such individuals. We restrict access to non-public information to those professionals our clients request to assist in the completion of legal, tax, and financial services. We maintain physical, electronic, and procedural safeguards to protect a client’s non-public personal information.